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“The secret of my success is that we have gone to exceptional lengths to hire the best people in the world.”

- Steve Jobs

Building Relationships, Delivering Talent

Select Recruiting was founded by Michelle Becker in 2021 to help organizations and candidates by providing quality at every turn. By finding the right people for the job, we enable organizations and job seekers to have long lasting relationships and rewarding careers.

For us - it has never been about filling a job. Our focus is ensuring we find the right fit to allow the organization and the job seeker to flourish for years to come. 

Our Values


We are passionate about relationships. Every client, job seeker, and search is important to us.

Medical Staff
Young Doctor


Quality is the at the core of our organization. We work with high quality talent to bring amazing people to your team.


Your success is our success, and we pride ourselves on our quality-centered approach.

Doctor and Patient
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